

“All Great journeys begin with a decision”

In my 17 years of the vast and elongated career of public interaction, I have had an opportunity to grow and learn with some of the top leaders across all businesses and corporates. Geniuses who have inspired and intrigued me into following my inner passion for training and coaching.
In my career, I have had a significant insight and mastered the art of “conscious communication” through a series of exercises and processes of training and mastering the mind.

Further, I have trained and educated people using these techniques and principles enabling them to create inner confidence, combat stage fright, public speaking, and many other aspects which address the core foundation of the human personality.


New training programmes and schedules will be announced shortly.

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Feel free to email me. I will personally try to answer your queries.

Follow my new page on insta GETSETRISE_withsonali for daily dose of inspiration.

Also hop into our blog section to know more about self improvisation.

Do write your feedback. I love hearing from

Sonali Gupta - Master Class (Venue Mobile Banner)